"I recommend Kind to anyone who needs a great natural alternative to help their muscle pain, anxiety, sleep, and overall quality of life."
"She doesn’t get nervous around other dogs or our friends, and she genuinely just looks like she’s enjoying life more!"
"Kind Capsules helps reduce my anxiety, pain from swelling and limb stiffness, and keeps me focused..."
"Highly Recommend these amazing little nuggets of pain relief, relaxation, and chill.”
"What a miracle! I rub a small amount right into the area, and the pain disappears!"
"I have less pain using both Kind Rubs and Roll-ons together. I go out more now, I do more things that were painful to do before. I recommend using Kind Creations…"

Certified Massage Therapist


Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Freedom from Headaches

Difficulty Sleeping

AM/PM Balance

Quality of Life

Natural Pain Relief

Joint Inflammation
Let us know when you have discovered your own ‘MyKind’ story, and we’d be honored to feature it here. While we are unable to provide medical advice, our fervent hope is that you’ll see something in these life stories that will encourage you to be empowered to improve your own wellness journey, enjoy a little Kindness yourself, and spread a little Kindness to those you love.